Ramai di kalangan kita masih tak tahu lagi akan penggunaan pelayar atau lebih popular dengan istilah web browser. Dan masih ramai lagi yang menggunakan pelayar sedia ada yang dibekalkan bersama-sama pakej sistem pengoperasian (OS) pc masing-masing.
Dalam dunia siber, terdapat beberapa pelayar yang digunakan untuk melayari (surfing) internet seperti Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Navigator dan lain-lain lagi. Tapi yang paling popular digunakan adalah Mozilla Firefox.
Apakah kelebihan Mozilla Firefox berbanding Internet Explorer?
"Now you can see some of the actual differences between Firefox
and Internet Explorer. Firefox allows you to surf the Internet
safer and faster, and it displays the Internet the way that it was
intended to be. Firefox also gives you more web page viewing
space so that you can see more than you would with other
browsers. The main difference that you'll see is that
Internet Explorer has gray behind its images, Firefox doesn't.
Firefox gives you more web page space to view more of a web
page without a lot of scrolling, and the text is clearer in Firefox.
Full Page View with Mozilla Firefox Full Page View with Internet Explorer
Image viewed with Mozilla Firefox Image viewed with Internet Explorer
So, kalau anda rasa nak rasa perbezaannya, cubalah download dan install Mozilla Firefox. Rasakan perbezaannya. And of course, best view for my blog is using Mozilla Firefox better than Internet Explorer.
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