Huh, agak letih aku malam nih...tak pasal-pasal bertungkus lumus menghapuskan virus...kurang ajaq sungguh ini virus...
I am as other normal users...tak lepas dari kekhilafan..walaupun aku adalah seorang Juruteknik Komputer, masalah seperti ini kalau dah tersebar, aku sendiri buleh jadi bingung..
Masa aku berkursus beberapa minggu lepas, dalam slot Pengucapan Awam (Public Speaking), I talked about virus. And today, my PC infected by virus.. hehe... dalam slot tuh, aku bercerita sikit tentang asal usul virus dan jenis-jenisnya.. siap mengajar how to prevent a virus pada audience. Hehe.. tapi hakikatnya, aku sendiri tak lepas daripada dijangkiti masalah ini. But, thanks to virus which crossed to my mind to talk about it and bring me full mark (10/10) in the Public Speaking slot.
So, to all, beware and aware of existances of a virus. Please make sure your system/PC is installed with antivirus and UPDATED!
Virus yang berjangkit pada PC aku nih aku sendiri tak pasti dari mana datangnya, but what I am sure, this type of virus is SPYWARE!! Very dangerous!
Ok, I have to continue to tracked down the remaining viruses which stayed in my PC. Last word from me, BEWARE and AWARE!
Here I enclosed my Public Speaking material about virus. Please download!
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